Leaders of SGA slates will meet on WCRD Tuesday

The presidential and vice–presidential candidates of the two contending Student Government Association executive slates will be featured on the hour-long "Radio Sweetheart" program at 9 p.m. tonight on WCRD.


"They'll be answering for their platforms and sort of spelling out how they're going to go about achieving these things, not to mention why they decided to get involved with student government and what sort of commitments they're willing to put into it," show host David Boulton, a senior magazine journalism major, said. "Mainly I want to try and catch them as students trying to do something with their college careers and not so much as the pseudo-politicians that they're trying to be. I'm trying to have questions that'll bring them out on a more human level, and not so manufactured."


If not in quite the same words, Alliance's presidential candidate Chris Wilkey said he's also looking forward to being on the show because of its personable environment and the more human element it brings to campaign season.


"It's going to be a nice way to have a more personal conversation [instead of the] political one like you see on a regular debate," said Wilkey, a junior sales and economics major who said he fondly remembers the radio show he had in high school. "When you're on the air, you have no idea what the next question's going to be. You're going to get more realistic answers and more of the honest opinions from the candidates, not just what has been written down for the last two weeks that you've been remembering what to say."


Velocity's presidential candidate, junior hospitality and food management major Chad Griewank, said he's looking forward to the radio show because it's a way to hear from students who may live off campus or not fall within the reach of his slate's campaign.


"I just hope that a lot of students do tune in," Griewank said. "And I do ask, if they have questions, do not hesitate to call the radio stations and ask those questions. It's our duty to answer those questions honestly and to the best of our ability, so don't ever be afraid to ask; that's what we're here for."


Boulton, also a reporter for The Ball State Daily News, said he will try to fit in at least five anonymous student questions and, as always, the program will include a few thematically-relevant songs. Students may submit questions for the candidates by connecting with "Radio Sweetheart" through its AIM account or calling WCRD studios at (765) 285-WCRD. 


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