SGA slates introduced to senate

The Student Government Association was introduced Wednesday to who it would be soon be calling its president, vice president, secretary and treasurer.

SGA executive board slates presented themselves to the senate in preparation for today's final debate, where they will be quizzed on various platform items by the Ball State Debate Team.

"They will be acting like devil's advocate in a way to get information out," said Chris Griffith, election board debate coordinator. "Sometimes when campaigning they'll say stuff just because it is viable and sounds good, so this is a good way to challenge each slate in their platforms and make them stronger in what they want to do."

During Wednesday's meeting, each slate was given five minutes to present its slate and platform to the senate. Afterward, time was allotted for the senate to ask questions.

Many of the questions the senators asked were about executing and clarifying their platform points and goals.

Jacob Kluth, diversity and multicultural chairman, asked how each slate felt it could incorporate more organizations, such as greek and multicultural groups.

Campus Voice suggested adding more seats, while Catalyst had other ideas for reaching out to those organizations.

"[Greek and multicultural organizations] are just as much a part of Ball State as an individual student," Campus Voice presidential candidate Kevin Thurman said. "They have their own ideas and their own goals they want to set forth."

"Part of that would be working with them with the reorganization spring activity fair, making sure their voices are heard," Catalyst vice presidential candidate Chris Buck said. "[Our leadership fund] would be going out to other organizations and allowing them to send their members or whoever is affiliated with them to a leadership conference they might not have the resources to do so."

Slates were also asked questions by the current executive board.

Whitney Hamblin, SGA vice president, questioned Catalyst about the feasibility of ideas such as breakfast with SGA and a T-shirt trade-in. Kayla Pickersgill, Catalyst presidential candidate, told the senate it will work with administration to see all of its goals made possible.

Tonight will be not only the final chance to hear from each slate, but it is also a chance to see the slates in a different environment. All four members of each slate will go up against the campus debate team.

The final debate will be at 7 p.m. in the Art and Journalism Building Room 175.

Griffith said this debate will be more relaxed than the first one and have fewer time constraints. The debate is designed to be more like a discussion.

WCRD will broadcast the debate live with a 20-minute introduction.


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