MOVIE MONTAGE: Best of worst movies to win Academy Award

It's Academy Award season, and Sam points out the worst winners

As film geeks know, the Academy does not always get it right come Oscar time. If you are not a film fan, that sentence will be gibberish to you.

Sometimes, bold, risky movies win Best Picture, such as the X-rated "Midnight Cowboy." Other times, the award sadly goes to Hollywood fluff.

This Sunday, the race for the trophy is between "The Social Network," a disturbing look at digital alienation, and "The King's Speech," an inspirational costume drama.

"The Social Network" is probably a little too cool and hip to win. Although it may be the safer film of the two, "The King's Speech" is thankfully far from feel-good fluff. However, we have not been as blessed with worthy winners in the past. In honor of the upcoming Oscar ceremony, let's take a trip down memory lane and discuss some of the worst films to win Best Picture.

‘Rocky' (1976)

Yes, you read that correctly. "Rocky" is indeed on this list. This underdog boxing story is undeniably compelling, but not nearly as powerful or transcendent as "All the President's Men" or "Taxi Driver." Those films pull the real punches.

‘Ordinary People' (1980)

This is the film that infamously beat "Raging Bull" — the boxing story vastly superior to "Rocky." "Ordinary People" is as dreary and familiar as its title suggests. The story of a family grieving a lost son, the film is mildly moving and altogether unremarkable. However, the Academy goes nuts for any film capable of making its audience shed a few tears.

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