LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Student responds to Chick-fil-A article

I would like to start my letter by stating I have no hostility towards gays or lesbians, and I firmly believe that everyone's opinion has equal importance.

However, I was somewhat disgusted when I read this article, particularly with some of things Taylor Pallatin, the president of Spectrum, had to say. In regards to the possibility of Chick-fil-A being shut down on campus, Pallatin said, "Do I think it will happen here? Probably not. Do I wish something like it would? Yes."

From this quotation I believe Pallatin wants Ball State University to shut down the Chick-fil-A location on campus, based solely on its stance on gay/lesbian marriage. It seems oxymoronic that gay/lesbian rights activists are suggesting Ball State University refuse the opportunity for a franchise to serve food on campus, based solely on the franchises beliefs and opinions.

Chick-fil-A has every right to spend its money however it deems appropriate. If someone has an issue with how Chick-fil-A chooses to allocate its resources, I would encourage them to stop buying food there and make people aware of the situation.

But don't expect Ball State to eradicate Chick-fil-A on campus solely because their opinions and beliefs do not line up with yours.


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