Student's art on display at annual ArtsWalk in Muncie

Downtown Muncie was crowded with music, people, culture and art Thursday for the annual ArtsWalk. All along Walnut Street, artists of all forms gathered to sell and present their creations.

These sidewalk sales were not the only exhibits. Galleries, stores and restaurants showcased artwork for customers. The Blue Bottle Coffee Shop had a show of student artwork submitted by professors.

Ball State art major Brittany Havlin had a drawing shown at the Blue Bottle. A self-portrait given as a Mother's Day present stuck out from all the black-and-white pieces because of its green and lavender colors.

While walking around the ArtsWalk with her mother, Havlin said she was glad to see the community do things like this and actually interact.

The ArtsWalk ran from 5 to 9 p.m. and stretched across Walnut and Main streets. The retail stores and restaurants surrounding the ArtsWalk stayed open after normal closing hours for the event.

ArtsWalk is held in the fall every year and is followed by smaller First Thursday events in subsequent months.

Artwork was not the only contribution Thursday. Music groups come to entertain and teach the downtown visitors, including performances by the Ball State jazz ensemble and the tuba-euphonium ensemble. Minnetrista brought a collection of activities next to the Blue Bottle, along with individuals dressed up to entertain the crowd along the street.

People could also find tie-dye clothing, Native American jewelry, local photography, paintings, clothing, European jewelry, drawings, sculptures and more.

The Cornfed Derby Dames rolled down the street handing out flyers and advertising the sport of roller derby, along with its booth.

Students were set up in a row along the sidewalk selling their artwork. Nicole Pancini, junior painting major and part of the Fine Arts League, sat with the art she hoped to sell at $1 per piece.

"This is my first year out here," Pancini said. "They make it into a huge event every year to celebrate art."

An exhibition of 3-D student artwork with sculpture, glass, ceramics and metalwork were present. Digital videos from the animation program and culinary students from Ivy Tech held an exhibit called "Garde Manger."

A display of the Garfield 25th birthday statues were exhibited in a window that had a variety of themes, such as a "Garf Brooks." Booths included Beadtoes's handmade jewelry, Tarot by Sherita and Kids Peace tattoos and coloring pages.

For more information about this year's ArtsWalk, visit


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