COLORED TIGHTS AND COWBOY BOOTS: There are right, wrong ways to pick up opposite sex

Behind slapping. Tush tapping. Butt spanking. The hand on rear action made famous by the blue-tired bicyclist last Wednesday has evolved into the most controversial uproar Ball State has seen in years.

In the midst of opposing Facebook groups and disappointed e-mails from the president, there is one thing all of Muncie can agree on: Buttocks slapping via bicycle drive by is no way to pick up a woman.

We may never know what the intentions of the blue-tired criminal were that Wednesday morning. While he was most likely not trying to pick up these women, his actions can still be made into an example. One lesson we can all take away from this situation is how not to leave an impression, especially in the form of a red handprint on girls' behinds.

When it comes to leaving a positive impression on a woman, one must start out subtle; a characteristic that the Ball State "ass-slapper" has yet to master. Making a light-hearted joke while waiting in line for Atrium pizza is an excellent tactic to accomplish this, as well as a great way to start up a conversation with a girl you've never met.

If picking up the woman of your dreams requires more drastic measures, you need to forget subtleness and focus on being memorable. While slaps are definitely unforgettable, they are not memorable in a positive way. Ideally, you want a woman to smile at your memorable action, not call campus police.

One surefire way to do something memorable is to get creative. What is the girl of your dreams passionate about? What does she enjoy doing? Plan around her interests, while considering her likes and dislikes. Surprise treats are very sweet and quite memorable, but surprising a vegan with a cheeseburger or a diabetic with a candy bar will get you nowhere.

In addition to considering what the girl is into, also do your best to be original. While women generally appreciate you buying them drinks at bars, this method is surprisingly ineffective for picking up girls. Not only are we as women most likely just using you, but this technique is employed all the time, and you are making yourself easy to forget.

"I think it's nice when guys try to make an effort, but girls don't want to get with you just because you're buying them drinks," Ball State junior Jen Minutillo said. "Usually they're just getting free drinks. You think guys would know that."

Some women are attracted to bad boys. Others have a thing for nerds. Whatever "type" a woman typically goes for, no girl can resist being treated like a lady.

True gentlemen can seem hard to find these days. So if you really want to stand out, chivalry is always the way to go. If your attempts at subtle and memorable aren't cutting it, resort to using the manners your mother and father have (or should have) taught you. Contrary to the belief of the cyclist, holding the door for a girl on her way to class will never go out of style. Offering to carry her book-bag or pay when you're out to eat may seem 1950s to some, but to the majority of women, these small gestures really do leave an impression ... and not the red handprint kind.


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