BEAT to have video contest for residence halls

Ball State Energy Action Team will award a Nintendo Wii and "Rock Band" to the winner of a video contest for students who live in residence halls.

The point of the contest is for students to show others on campus how to conserve energy when living in the residence halls. BEAT member Anca Topliceanu said the videos should focus on anything linked to conservation methods, such as using eco-friendly light bulbs, being sure to turn off electronics when not in use and using less water when showering. Videos must be submitted by April 22. The winner will be announced April 23.

To enter, students need to make a five-minute video, post it to YouTube, send the link to BEAT and encourage their friends to vote for it.

She said Ball State University prides itself on being a green institution and tries to encourage students to support the initiative. BEAT's goal and the point of the contest is to have top to bottom adherence to conservation, meaning administrators, faculty and students should try to use what they need and nothing more.

The contest could also help students prepare for when they live off-campus and have to pay for the energy they consume. Topliceanu said most students are probably aware of the issue, so getting a lot of involvement shouldn't be hard.

How to enter:
1. Create video highlighting energy conservation in the residence halls
2. Post video to YouTube
3. Send Youtube link to

Nintendo Wii and "Rock Band"

For more information visit


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