24-hour service project aims to do 1,100 hours

Students will attempt to put in a combined 1,100 hours of community service in 24 hours starting this evening.

More than 250 students are signed up to participate in the Ball State Student Action Team's fifth annual 24 Hours of Service this evening.

The campus organization plans to put in the 1,100 total hours between all of its participants at more than 24 locations throughout the Muncie community. The event starts at 6 p.m. and continues until 6 p.m. Saturday completing a full 24 hours of community service.

Freshman criminal justice major Brad Lamping, who will be working to renovate a Muncie Fire Station and playing games with residents of Liberty Village Nursing home, said his previous volunteer work inspired him to do more.

"It feels good to help those who are in need," said Lamping. "Volunteerism is great because it really helps bring a community together."

In past years, the organization has been nationally recognized for the event by a Program of the Year award from The Great Lakes Affiliate of College and University Residence Halls.

Vice President of the Student Action Team, Anna Simon, said that she encourages anyone and everyone to help make a difference in the Muncie community.

"We had extra T-shirts made for anyone who wants to participate but didn't register," said Simon. "It's a great feeling to see kids get excited about things like a newly decorated gym at the Boys and Girls Club or visiting with nursing home residents who don't often see visitors."

In addition to the different locations in Muncie that the event will benefit, volunteers working the midnight to 6 a.m. shift will be sending off care packages to troops in Iraq that include cookies, candy and toiletries that have been collected in drives on campus this semester.

Anyone who wants to participate in 24 Hours of Service but has not registered should report to the conference room in Dehority Complex, which will serve as the home base for the event, by 6 p.m. Friday.


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