WOMEN'S GOLF: Ball State honored for Top 25 finish in overall GPA

The Ball State University women's golf team has been honored as the recipient of a 2005-06 National Golf Coaches Association All-Scholar Team GPA Award. This award recognizes the women's collegiate golf program with the highest collective average team GPA which includes all of the team's student-athletes for the 2005-2006 season.

The Cardinals placed 22nd in the nation with their team GPA of 3.549.-áThe University of South Carolina, which had a collective team GPA of 3.677, received top honors for the second year in a row.-áRounding out the top 5 is Bradley University (3.658), St. Olaf College (3.650), the University of South Alabama (3.650) and Western Carolina University (3.643). The University of Indianapolis was 10th with a 3.591 GPA.

"As a coach, I am just as excited about our academic accomplishments as our athletic accomplishments. It is great for the athletes to be rewarded and recognized for their commitment to academics," said coach Katherine Mowat in a press release.


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