YOUR TURN: Ball State students' input needed to shape the university's future

We were very pleased to see the story in the Daily News several weeks ago about the creation of a task force to update the university's strategic plan and outline the key goals for the university for 2006 to 2010, and we hope the Daily News continues to cover this important process.

As the student representatives on the task force, we believe it is very important for students to know what is happening with the planning process and to be informed about the opportunities to contribute. Usually, students, faculty, staff, alumni and community members are invited to comment on drafts of strategic plans once they are written or to attend discussion sessions once goals have been outlined. In this case, the task force has provided a way to comment on the plan throughout the process by creating a Web site where anyone can track the task force's discussions and use an electronic comment box to send in suggestions or ideas for consideration by the group.

Although the plan won't take effect until 2006, and many items may not take affect until after you graduate, we feel it is important to voice your opinions. Your contributions can help make Ball State a stronger university and a better place for future students. Your younger friends, sisters or brothers might benefit directly from this plan. In general, it's a great way to help others like yourself enjoy an even better education and overall experience at Ball State.

The choices Ball State makes as it moves ahead will affect its reputation, indirectly affecting the value of your degree. Employers look favorably upon candidates coming from colleges and universities with strong reputations. The new strategic plan will guide how resources are allocated in many areas, including: establishing or enhancing nationally ranked programs, raising retention and graduation rates, maintaining leadership in technology and creating unique learning experiences -- all of which directly affect the university's visibility.

The accomplishments made under the university's current strategic plan have led to real benefits for students today. For example, the university's commitment to maintaining leadership in the area of technology has led to a campus with pervasive wireless coverage and a core network speed of 10 gigabytes per second -- a technology infrastructure that is unmatched by most universities in the country and better than any in Indiana. Also due to the current strategic plan, the university has increased support for graduate assistants by 22.5 percent and support for graduate fellowships by 27.4 percent.

These are two examples among many of how students have benefited under the current strategic plan. That plan was created with input from hundreds of members of the university community, including students. As your representatives in the planning process, we urge you to share your thoughts and ideas. The task force is eager to hear from everyone, and we look forward to making the student voice an important part of shaping Ball State's future. Please visit and make your views heard! Or you may contact us directly at any time to learn more about the process and make comments.

Write to Ben at

Write to Kimberly at


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