OUR VIEW: 'America has spoken'

AT ISSUE: We now rejoin our nation, already in progress

OUR VIEW: 'America has spoken'

AT ISSUE: We now join our nation, already in progress

In a somewhat eerie resemblance to 2000, America sat glued to the television Tuesday night, wondering how its collective votes would influence the next four years.

As we found out late Wednesday morning, that influence determined that there will be no major change in the White House during that time.

Come Jan. 20, 2005, the White House will not see a moving van, and President George W. Bush will retain his title for a second term.

While some may grumble and others may cheer, it cannot be argued that the results of Tuesday's election will allow Bush to continue his ways in the White House until, technically, 2009.

And, speaking to his critics, he should be supported while he carries on.

Before you make a judgment and accuse us of political bias, allow us to say that had things played out differently Tuesday, we would be saying the exact same thing about Senator John Kerry.

A President is a leader, a role model and a commander-in-chief, amongst many other titles. In this country, majority rules. This time around, that theory applied not only to the electoral college, but to the popular vote as well.

Sure, some may argue that Bush has made mistakes, just as he has had his prideful moments; any human being, let alone a president, will. It is impossible to wipe his record clean, nor should anyone try to. However, these are four more years that, like it or not, this particular man will be leading our country.

During his victory speech Wednesday, Bush asked for support from those who voted for Kerry.

Whether you are Democrat or Republican, liberal or conservative, one fact remains as the election dust settles.

We now have a president for the next four years.

The race is over, and it is now time to move on.

As Bush said himself Wednesday, "A new term is a new opportunity to reach out to the whole nation. We have one country, one constitution and one future that binds us."

So, let the binding begin.


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