SGA talks task force

In an attempt to increase student involvement in decision making, the Student Government Association was asked for its input on tailgating.

Douglas McConkey, vice president of student affairs, asked the senators to help the tailgating task force. To raise attendance and curb excessive drinking, the university would like to expand the events at the football games.

President Ben Tietz, who is on the task force, urged senators to volunteer on the task force and to talk to students.

"I would like everybody to go out and talk to their constituency," Tietz said. "It's an opportunity for students to have a say and put in their input."

McConkey said he and Athletics Director Bubba Cunningham are eager to hear from students and student groups.

The task force will meet for six weeks after the end of the semester, Tietz said. If students are interested in volunteering or expressing their ideas, they can contact Tietz at the SGA office or on-line at

"We're just at the start of the process, and nothing is set in stone," Tietz said.

To keep the senators informed about campus legislation, Tietz highlighted and passed out copies of student-related issues from the University Senate agenda to each caucus chair.

Vice President Olfunmbi Elemo continued the meeting by asking to extend the caucus time from five minutes to 10 minutes to give senators a longer time to discuss the University Senate agenda.

After the first verbal vote with a mix of yeas and nays, Senator Andrew Grider made a motion for a hand-counted vote. Elemo's request did not receive two-thirds majority in the second vote.

During his president's report, Tietz clarified his administration's position on the use of the SGA logo.

Last week, Tietz reminded senators that non-senators can use the SGA logo, but they must get permission from SGA first; senators can use the logo for SGA-related issues and events.

"If you are in senate, you are more than welcome to use the logo," Tietz said. "However, the concern is that someone who is not in senate could use the SGA logo without permission."

He also reminded the senate the "Trash to Treasure" sale is from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on May 1 in the Worthen Arena parking lot. Students can bring their unwanted furniture and other items to sell or giveaway. After 3 p.m., the Muncie Mission will pick up anything that is left.

"My goal this summer is to get research done on topics we want to get done next year," Tietz said. "Next semester we'll come in ready with an active plan."


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