LETTER: Getting facts right important when learning about faith

Dear Editor,

I understand and applaud the Daily News for printing a variety of opinions and views on a variety of subjects. I appreciate that our campus newspaper allows everyone the freedom of expression. I also appreciate that the newspaper has a disclaimer that states "His/her views do not necessarily agree with those of the newspaper." But that is about views and opinions. What about facts and truth? As a newspaper, I thought the Daily News had a responsibility to try to print facts and truth along with opinions. I was disturbed by an obvious lack of "fact-telling" and "truth-saying" in a letter to the editor published on April 21. Fact: Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons) are Christian. It is right there in the name that the LDS church believes Christ is the Savior, the Son of God, and it is only through him we are saved, and we know these things through the Bible and Another Testament of Jesus Christ: the Book of Mormon. The definition of Christian from Merriam-Webster's dictionary is "one who professes belief in the teachings of Jesus Christ."

Opinion/view: Others do not have to agree with the doctrine that the LDS church teaches and are free to not believe it. Others are free to dislike and to state that dislike of the LDS church. My opinion is that if you want to know more about Mormons, ask a Mormon or find out for yourself by investigating the LDS church. That is my opinion. Let's try to get the facts straight.

Esther Edwards



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