LETTER: Students must stay aware of decisions, actions of peers

Dr. McConkey,

As an upperclassman, I think I can fully grasp what you are trying to say here. However, I think that the message may be lost on some of the younger students at BSU. Many of them have not yet realized the severity of their present actions. As they become aware of potential disciplinary action, I think it may only aggravate the very students that you are trying to warn off. From what I can recall - the students in most dire need of your advice do not hold much respect for the administration or what it has to say. I fear that nearly any action taken by the administration would therefore be received negatively. One would think that two unusually tragic student deaths would make a strong enough point, but unfortunately I think it does not. We need to find a way to individually make students understand what is at stake while they are at Ball State. I agree that your appeal to be personally responsible is the first step. And, I believe your call to be a good neighbor must be furthered. Students need not only to be aware of their actions, but to be aware of their peers. In clich+â-¬ terms - "be your brother's keeper" should be a student's motto. Taking care of one's total environment is part of personal responsibility, and young people must be made aware of this. The only way to accomplish this is for our own students to police and educate our own students. Situations like this should be an obvious distress call to student organizations. Student Government Association, Interfraternity Council, Pan Hellenic Council, Residence Hall Association, etc. - any and all student-run organizations should be doing something about this.

If funds are able to be allocated, this is where they need to be. The appeal needs to be from student to student. We are still young - and thus we still have the bond of being young together. If administrators and student leaders can find a way to make the entire student body realize it, this could be this next step in making Ball State University the place we all want it to be.

Kirby Oelling



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