LETTER: Parent says university must work harder to educate students

Dear Editor,

As a parent, I go online to read the student paper and local papers to see what is happening on campus. Originally, I just wanted to read the sports pages. But since these two tragic occurrences, I can't help but be concerned. How can the university stop these tragedies from happening? It must do a better job of having a serious class during orientation on safety, on on- and off-campus behavior. I know that drugs and alcohol are going to be used at parties. It should be set up that if someone is so intoxicated that 911 could be called to help that person, not to report them, so they get a citation but to get them home safely. If students see someone staggering, they would know that they could get that person help before they try to drive or get into a bad situation like what occurred with McKinney. He would still be alive today if one of his friends called for help when they saw him falling down drunk. They might have made that call to 911 to get him help without getting him in trouble. At that same safety class, students should be taught that anytime someone states they have a gun on them to have that person leave and to call 911. A gun will only lead to mayhem. At the party where Karl was, several people said that those punks mentioned that they had a gun. If you're afraid to ask them to leave, dial 911. No one would know you were the one to call, and you would have saved a life. I'm sure you have some sort of help line, but it's not enough! BSU administration must get experts and parents together to help get this orientation safety class and help line going to save lives now.

The university must do more! Don't assume that students know better. They don't.

Fred Steinhaus

Father of student


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