Two dead after being trapped in house fire

Less than a block from eighth grader Tony Gosser's house, flames consumed the Alexander house.

Gosser had just met the oldest Alexander boy Jan. 5 at the bus stop. When he heard sirens scream at East Highland street, he ran outside. Gosser saw his friend run toward his burning house, where his mother and two younger brothers were screaming.

"The firemen came out and got him," Gosser said. "They told him that (his family) was trapped inside."

Dispatch at Muncie fire department received a call at 4:07 p.m. Muncie police arrived on the scene four minutes later. Firemen poured out of four trucks to locate the two mentally handicapped boys trapped inside. The boys were severely burned and died less than three hours later.

Their mother escaped but was burned after she re-entered the home in an effort to find her sons.

Central High School freshman James Campbell said he tried to help Ms. Alexander knock down the front door before the fire trucks arrived. However, he could not fight off the smoke and flames.

"I told the bus driver to stop at the corner, and we ran up here," Campbell said. "I just wanted to help. But there was this big puff of smoke."

Ms. Alexander remains in the hospital. Firemen fought another fire at her home around 11 p.m.

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