LETTER: DN should use taste when deciding content

Dear Editor,

In response to Mr. Kenworthy's column that ran in the Daily News on Sept. 27, I agree. I live in the SURF dorms, which promote not drinking alcohol or using drugs or smoking. I was sitting in the doctor's office when I saw the 72 Hours section of the paper Mr. Kenworthy was talking about and it disgusted me. I thought our school upped its admission requirements so that BSU wouldn't be known as a top party school anymore. The Daily News seems to want the opposite. I think the Daily News needs to seriously rethink the way they are representing BSU, since when someone comes to visit and goes on a tour of the campus, he or she usually picks up the paper. Do you want parents to say, "Obviously, this campus promotes drunkenness. My child shouldn't go here"? Come on, people.

Jen Sutton



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