LETTER: Daily News gives students useful information

Dear Editor,

I would like to take the opportunity to thank the Daily News for its weekly 72 Hours section. I believe that an important function of a newspaper is to serve its readers, which I feel the DN does effectively with its special Thursday insert. I am a 22-year-old student who enjoys going out on occasion to drink. If it weren't for 72 Hours, I wouldn't have learned about what Muncie has to offer, specifically the new Martini Bar, MoTini's.

In no way does the paper encourage underage drinking or alcoholism. It is simply reviewing and advertising legitimate businesses that cater to what some students are looking for.

If you want a newspaper to just give you the news, then don't read the 72 Hours section. I am sorry if some people can't make decisions for themselves about when they should and should not drink, but as a legal adult, I am grateful for the chance to get to know what is offered to me in what most people consider an otherwise "boring town."

The Daily News also had a great article about George Carlin when he performed on campus. Many consider Carlin to be vulgar and obscene, but they had the choice to not read the article and not go to his performance. They also have those same choices to not read about the drinking establishments in Muncie and not go to them either.

I don't attend college so others can think for me; I am here to get the most of my education and the social interactions that I get when I go out.

Thank you again for providing the information that other students and I want so that we can take full advantage of our choices.

Russell Bennett>




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