Odie deserves some attention, too


So Garfield is now 25 years old. That's quite an achievement for a cat. Even if the cat in question happens to be a cartoon cat. Amongst all the celebration for our favorite fat feline, I can't help but feel that we are all over looking something, or more accurately someone, extremely important.

That something: Odie.

Sure, Odie didn't exactly appear at the same time that Garfield did (he came along a little less than two months later), and granted, he isn't the brightest bulb in the drawer, although he is bright yellow, but that is no reason to not toss a tiny bone of recognition in his direction. After all the times Garfield has kicked him off the kitchen table, I think this oft-punted pooch deserves at least that.

Let's look at this rationally. What would Garfield really be without Odie? He'd just be an overweight orange cat who spends his time eating, sleeping and annoying his owner. Basically, he would be a regular cat. Regular cats don't have cartoons made about them that run for a quarter of a century, people.

Garfield without Odie is like Bud Abbott without Lou Costello or David Spade without Chris Farley. The first names mentioned in all those teams may have a funny moment or two that doesn't feature their slapstick counterpart, but for the most part it is the chemistry of the two that makes it work. Don't believe me? Just look at Spade's career after the passing of Farley. I would trade every episode of "Just Shoot Me" ever made for five minutes of the movie "Tommy Boy," and I doubt that I am alone on that.

Now, I'm not saying Odie is the better cartoon character, but let's just look at the tale of the tape. Odie is a dog, which translates into instant points in my camp simply for being man's best friend. He isn't mean and cynical all the time like Garfield. Finally, he doesn't eat all the food in the 'fridge. For those keeping score, that's Odie three, Garfield nil.

That definitely makes it look like Odie is the superior member of this duo. I won't say that though. It would be unkind to steal Garfield's thunder on his birthday. I will say that Odie is certainly the best dog that appears in any syndicated comic now that Snoopy is sadly no longer around. Marmaduke has nothing on Odie.

All I ask is this: After attending all the Garfield-associated events, activities and numerous birthday parties thrown in his honor, and trust me, there will be parties, take a moment to throw some much deserved respect to Odie. This can be done a variety of ways.

Fall off a table. Drool on something. Bark for no reason. Drink out of a toilet. Well, don't do that last one, but most anything Odie-esque will do.

Once that is all said and done, look to the heavens and say, "Thank you Odie. We love you."

I know I will.

Write to Cole at cpmcgrath@bsu.edu


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