Watermelon Bust 30-year anniversary this weekend

Event takes place from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday at LaFollette Field

Saturday, Alpha Chi Omega and Delta Tau Delta will celebrate 30 years of its traditional Watermelon Bust in LaFollette Field from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.

This year's event will feature a new aspect, as it will bring in more students living in the residence halls in an effort to bring the community together, said Co-Chief Executive Officer Nicole Layton.

"This is the first year for the carnival," Layton said. "We're trying to make it more crowd centered."

As a result, there will be several games and activities for the crowd to participate in, such as a dunk tank and face painting. Indianapolis radio station Radio Now 93.1 will be present for the duration of the event giving away prizes.

Several live bands, including Splurge and Ball State's Code Red dancers will also be there.

This year, more than 30 teams have signed up to participate in the day's events. The idea of the event is to complete a series of games using the watermelon without letting it break -- or bust -- giving the event its name.

Kyle Risser, president of Delta Tau Delta, said 75 percent of the money raised from this event will go to the Red Cross Sept. 11 relief funds, and 25 percent will go to Habitat for Humanity to assist their local efforts here in Muncie.

This year the groups said they are hoping to raise more funds than last year. Matt Scretton, co-chief executive officer, said they would like to see around $10,000.

"It's about coming together for a charity," Layton said. "We want a campus-wide event to reach out into the community."

Risser said many area businesses are also helping to sponsor the event, including Scotty's Brewhouse and Kinko's.

This year, as in the past, the Watermelon Bust king and queen will be crowned. Layton said the winners are chosen by penny votes to be held at the event.--2++â-ƒ+â-»

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