Student dedicates herself to SGA

Although those who work with SGA member Megan Pickens describe her as quiet at first glance, there is a fire brewing on the inside.

With Pickens' influence and involvement in SGA, vice president Tolu Olowomeye characterized her as a "quiet storm."

"She is not too outspoken or too fierce, but you see her hidden passion in her work," Olowomeye said.

Any student who has to take a Saturday final or drop a class has been-árepresented at Student Government Association, whether they know it or not.

"There are a lot of things SGA does that students don't see," Academic Affairs Chairwoman Pickens said. SGA is currently working on eliminating Saturday finals and extending the time to add or drop a course before being charged a fee.

One of the main senators behind these issues is Pickens herself, a junior, whose efforts span but are not limited to SGA.

"One good thing about any university is that there are so many things to get involved in," Pickens said. "With that you have the chance to meet a lot of different people from a lot of different backgrounds."

Pickens has taken advantage of that opportunity. Her freshman year, she began as an at-large senator serving on the Academic Affairs Committee, the Co-sponsorship Committee and Credentials board, which finds people to fill senate seats.

She moved into her second year as chairwoman of Academic Affairs-á and Credentials Board. Now she is the Freshman Elections Board chairwoman, Credentials Board chairwoman, Academic Affairs Committee chairwoman, Vice-chairwoman of the At-Large-áCaucus and involved in the Co-Sponsorship Committee. As if those roles don't take up enough of her time -- she did not stop there.

Pickens is a junior adviser for Alpha Lamda Delta, a freshman honors society. She is a member of the National Residence Hall Honorary, which recognizes students who live in residence halls. As a Criminal Justice and political science major, Pickens is also involved in Alpha Phi Sigma, a criminal justice honor society.

This heavy involvement in student organizations has helped Pickens become a stronger leader, she said.

"You meet many people with different leadership qualities and I take from those," Pickens said. "It gives me a better understanding of how a university works and what people try to get out of it."

According to SGA President Tommy Rector, Pickens has what it takes to get the job done.

"Megan brings a lot to SGA through experience," Rector said. "She knows how to do good research and gather input from the people she represents because she knows what the issues are and that is important for all senators."

Olowomeye entered SGA the same time Pickens did. Olowomeye said she sees Pickens as an inspiration who intensely motivates other SGA members.

"Megan has the ability to motivate others to do what they need to be doing," Olowomeye said. "She is very task-oriented.

"She is really sincere. She never puts up a front."

Her drive continues as she plans to attend law school and practice criminal or constitutional law, she said. As for now, her main focus is doing what is best for the students she represents.

"I hope to be dedicated to any organization I am a part of and do the best job I can," Pickens said.


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