Library info to go virtual

Ball State University's Bracken Library is embarking on an experimental and futuristic experience offering students access to information online. The library will utilize a program called Second Life, which allows students to navigate a virtual world by creating a computer character called an "avatar.


IFC to hold info meeting today

Any Ball State University student interested in going greek can attend an information session from 7:30 to 9 p.m. Wednesday in Pruis Hall. Brian Starkel, vice president of recruitment of the Interfraternity Council, said the event would be split into three sections with the first allowing students to go to information tables about the IFC, Panhellenic Council and the National Pan-Hellenic Council.


BEWILDERED SOCIETY: Support BSU football team at first game

Tonight is more than a game -¡- it's about pride. Whether you're just beginning your time at Ball State University or you're one writing competency exam away from graduating, go to the game tonight and support your decision to be a Ball State student. For those members of the student population still struggling with school identity - you're not at Indiana University, get over it.


Senate holds first fall meeting

Members of the Ball State University Student Government Association had a few things to discuss Wednesday for their first meeting of the semester. SGA President Betsy Mills said it was typical to have a short agenda for the first meeting, but there was good attendance and the members seemed ready to work.


Commuter lots packed; spaces difficult to find

Ball State University students who park their vehicles in commuter lots might need to look for an alternative this week. Nancy Wray, Parking Services office manager, said parking services has received several complaints about a lack of available parking spots on campus.


DON'T TAKE THIS TOO SERIOUSLY: Athletics dept. has potential for reality TV

Let me channel 1998 and Bobby Boucher's mom for a hot second when I say that reality shows are the devil. OK, maybe not the devil, but they're all pretty meaningless. If Math 125 taught me anything beside how to sleep with my eyes open, it's statistics. And I'm going out on a limb and saying roughly 95 percent of reality shows are useless.


FOOTBALL: Worth the wait

var uslide_show_id = "90fdfc4b-5068-40ae-b267-6873647da436";var slideshowwidth = "350";var linktext = ""; A group led by Ball State University President Jo Ann Gora walked up to a 30-foot ribbon stretched across midfield and, with a twitch of the hand, delivered a promise that was more than 30 years in the making.


Students encouraged to weigh loan options

Ball State University students consistently over draw college loans, which makes it harder to repay their debts after graduation, according to financial experts. Bob Zellers, director of financial aid and scholarships, said most Ball State students use a loan program to pay for their education.


OUR VIEW: Responsibility crash course

There's no escaping personal responsibility. You make decisions and must deal with the good and bad results. It's important to learn how to accept consequences and to be responsible enough to make good decisions. Once a mistake or bad decision has been made, it's nearly impossible to return a situation to its original form.


OUR VIEW: Handy alert

Students: Be on the alert. Ball State University's emergency alert system, that is. Disasters, dangerous situations and accidents do happen, regardless of the precautions people take. But now everyone with a text-enabled cell phone can know about campus emergencies immediately if they sign up for the alerts.


Initiative focuses on faculty wellness

Ball State University Health Enhancement Programs is urging students to support faculty who are trying to improve their physical health. Working Well program director Patty Hollingsworth said the employee health enhancement program Working Well will kick off their new fitness walking initiative "Start Where You Are" with the McKinley Mile.


THE COLLEGE CONTRARIAN: Avoid usual freshman year mistakes

Dear freshmen, Welcome to Ball State University: where flippy cup, beer pong, and tapping a keg are sometimes considered extracurricular activities. This article is not about condoning underage drinking; it's about reality. Some of you will drink this weekend.


The Bird changes management, name

The Warehouse bar opened Friday in The Bird's former Village location, between the National Guard recruiting offices and BoRics Hair Care, with the same owner but a new decor. Myles Ogea, a business man who owns many Village properties, bought University Square, the building that houses The Warehouse, less than two years ago.


MINORITY POLITRICKS: BSU diversity shouldn't be an option

By nature, humans are diverse. It is fair to say diversity covers every single aspect of our daily life, including the shoes we buy, the food we eat, the people we vote for, the car we drive and the classes we take. When it comes to diversity, our personal modus operandi becomes our own choice; you can state that personal diversity is protected by the First Amendment of our Constitution.


OUR VIEW: Get involved

Campus billboards, light poles and even the sidewalks are decorated with bright flyers urging students to attend meetings and join Greek, athletic, academic, multicultural and all manners of extracurricular activities. Join one - not because the flyers say to - but because of these tried and true reasons.


FIELD HOCKEY: Star freshman done at BSU

After her freshman season, goalie Caroline Lehman was on pace to break the school field hockey record for career saves. However, it's now unlikely she will ever make another field hockey save again. Lehman, who is not on the Ball State University field hockey team's roster this season, said doctors advised her to leave the team after suffering a spinal cord injury during spring practice.


More than 100 cited in 14 days

Local police departments cited or arrested more than 100 Ball State University students in the last two weeks, which is average for this time of year, Gene Burton, director of public safety, said. Ball State and Indiana State excise police have cited or arrested a total of 114 people for alcohol violations since Aug.


DOUBLE OR NOTHING: Don't waste BSU, Muncie opportunities

As a kid from just outside of Chicago (on the Illinois side), there's a lot of traveling back to Ball State University after the summer. Hours are spent driving on one of the most traffic-filled highways in the United States, I 80/94. As the traffic lets up, speeds increase and I get to see my favorite sign in the Midwest.

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