From farm to track

The motorsport of demolition derby is something you might see at your county fair, but in this case, the competition goes national.

Emotional Support Animal Finnegan looks into the camera while he sits on fourth-year media major Kat Webber's lap Sept.15 at the Anthony Apartments. Mya Cataline, DN

Animals provide support to eligible students in campus housing

Returning to your dorm room/apartment with a companion there waiting can be very comforting. On days students are stressed and struggling with their mental health, being able to cuddle with a furry cat, get out to run with a playful dog or even watch your fish swim can offer immense support and dissolve the outside pressures students often struggle with.

Keeping Tabs on MAC Football and Ball State Weekly Injury Reports

In the world of Mid-American Conference (MAC) football, staying informed about injuries is a vital part of the game. Injury reports play a crucial role in shaping the outcomes of games. They also have an impact on betting odds and influence team strategies.

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