Tunisians vote with their feet, flee the country

TUNIS, Tunisia — A month after massive protests ousted Tunisia's longtime dictator, waves of Tunisians are voting with their feet, fleeing the country's political limbo by climbing into rickety boats and sailing across the Mediterranean to Europe.


Campus Crusade for Christ starts religion discussion

Members of Campus Crusade for Christ were at three locations on the Ball State campus Monday, challenging students to fill up a giant board with their answers to the question, "Is Christianity good or bad for the world?"


Ball State's UPB celebrates 'Anti-Valentine's Day'

While some Ball State students celebrated Valentine's Day with their loves, going out to eat and taking romantic strolls in the park, others joined in on the University Program Board's "Bad Romance: An Anti-Valentine's Day Affair."


REVIEW REDEUX: Valentine's Day Special

It's Valentine's Day and you wish to spend a romantic evening with your significant other, but every restaurant in town is booked. Or you are single and looking for something to do.


Writing 'mudblood' for equality

The term "mudblood" is the inspiration for the Facebook event "To Write Mudblood on Her Arms." It is a day to raise awareness of discrimination, saying that it does not matter where someone is from, everyone is equal.


VIDEO: Polar Plunge

Ball State students and community members took the plunge to raise money for the Special Olympics.


Singles' Survival Guide

It is all right to be anti-Valentine's Day without being depressed, cynical or emotional. Here are some ideas of how to enjoy and survive the holiday without a significant other.

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