Muncie band looks toward second full length album

They sound like a stripped-down version of The Fratellis with blunt vocals and pop riffs vaguely reminiscent of Yellowcard and a spaciness to the guitars that flirts with the line between a purposeful disorganization and a stark descent into chaos.


KAMERA OBSCURA: Never let me go

The theme this week's "October Fright Fest" column is possession movies. People have always been fascinated with demons and aliens. Hollywood has capitalized by creating a slew of films dealing with monsters able to take hold of their hosts.


VIDEO: In the huddle

Ball State alumnus Bwana Clements discusses the goals for his program, In the Huddle, which educates athletes about respecting women.


Abortion foes push fetal heartbeat bills in states

COLUMBUS, Ohio — A nationwide coalition of anti-abortion groups said Wednesday it is preparing to push legislation in all 50 states requiring that pregnant women see and hear the fetal heartbeat before having an abortion.


McShurley talks about past, future plans

While Democratic mayoral candidate Dennis Tyler's platforms rely on changing ways things have been done in Muncie, Mayor Sharon McShurley is running for reelection to continue the progress she's made in Muncie.


LGBTQ community to remember bullying victims

Spectrum, Ball State's lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer organization, will host a memorial service today in honor of Matthew Shepard and anyone who has been bullied for their sexual orientation.


There's Noyer place like home

  Sophomore radiography major Kaija Wimmer and junior appeal design major Harrison Qiu share one thing in common: the two have moved up from the z-shaped rooms of Johnson Hall B to the convenience of Noyer Complex.


US ties Iran to plot to assassinate Saudi diplomat

WASHINGTON — The Obama administration accused Iranian government agents Tuesday of plotting to assassinate the Saudi ambassador in the United States and immediately used the thwarted plot to ratchet up sanctions and recruit international allies to try to further isolate Tehran.


Jobs death caused by respiratory arrest, cancer

SAN FRANCISCO — A copy of Steve Jobs' death certificate made public Monday indicates that the Apple Inc. co-founder died of respiratory arrest resulting from pancreatic cancer that had spread to other organs.


Laura Ling to speak at Pruis Hall tonight

Today, Laura Ling is scheduled to speak at Pruis Hall about her time held captive in North Korea by the dictator Kim-Jong Il when she was doing research near the China-North Korea border.

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