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Late Nite preparing for annual carnival

MUNCIE, Ind. —  The night of April 19 marks the annual carnival put on by Ball State’s Late Nite association.

The carnival will be held at the C1 parking lot on Ball State’s campus, across from Beyerl and Botsford-Swinford Halls.

The famous Disney movie and Lewis Carroll's novel Alice in Wonderland inspired this year's carnival theme.

Admission is free for all Ball State students and is five dollars for guests, faculty and staff. BSU students, faculty, or staff must accompany guests. Attendees will be provided wristbands.

Students could preregister for the event, allowing them to enter the carnival an hour before the public opening.

“We asked students for their IDs,” one member of the Late Nite team said. “We needed to make sure that they are affiliated with Ball State. After that, we gave them their bracelets.”

The carnival will feature 13 thrill rides, games, prizes, food and entertainment. All money from the event will go back to the Ball State Student Programs to help with funding and acquire different resources to put together future events.

Apart from selling t-shirts and giving out bracelets to students, the team hopes everyone will have a great time at the carnival.

The carnival lasts from 6 p.m. to midnight. For more information, go to @bsustudentprograms on Instagram.

Contact Evan Shotts with comments at evan.shotts@bsu.edu.