Find Your People at Ball State

<p>Photo provided by the Multicultural Center.</p>

Photo provided by the Multicultural Center.

Dorm Life

As a freshman living on campus, you’ll be in the dorms for your first year. While you might be nervous or put-off by the idea of living in the dorms, it is a great way to establish yourself and learn how to navigate life at Ball State. Dorm life allows you to live next door to a community of fellow students, many of whom will be new to Ball State just like you. Something unique about Ball State is that many dorms are living-learning communities, meaning that you are placed in dorms with people who have the same or a similar major to you. This is a great way to meet people who have similar academic paths to you, or people you may share a class or two with. 

However, beyond just allowing you to build relationships within your academic life, living in the dorms offers a lot of opportunities to hang out with others in a casual setting, outside of classes and clubs. Your RA will put on frequent floor events, such as socials, game nights, and other activities. Additionally, there will also be occasional larger, dorm-wide events, such as holiday parties. 


There are countless campus events that happen throughout the year, which means there are a lot of opportunities to go and meet new people, or attend with your new friends. 

Starting with weekly events, Late Nite is hosted every Saturday throughout the academic year, from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Each year near the end of the spring semester, Late Nite puts on a carnival, complete with rides, games, and concessions. Another weekly event is Friday Night Filmworks. FNF happens every Friday night during the academic year, during which a film is screened at Pruis Hall for free. 

Homecoming week is big at Ball State and has a ton of exciting events. This includes Air Jam, Bed Races, a 5k run, the CharlieTown Tailgate and the Homecoming football game. 

Throughout the year, there are also events such as plays and musicals put on by the theatre department, shows at the planetarium, exhibits at the art museum, professional panels and workshops and even concerts at Emens Auditorium. 


Clubs are a great way to meet people who share the same interests with you. Ball State has hundreds of clubs and student organizations on campus, including sports, academic, multicultural, special interest, fraternity and sorority life, community service and more. 

Additionally, at the beginning of the fall semester, there is the annual Student Activities Fair, in which many student organizations are present. Here, you can get to know more about the organizations and learn how to join. 

Take it easy!

It probably all feels a bit overwhelming right now, but once you get here and settle in, you’ll find your way. Remember that starting college is a nerve-wracking time for everyone, so you’re not alone in these feelings. If you’re ever in need of someone to talk to, there are many great campus resources just for that. College is a great opportunity to form lifelong relationships and establish your own identity, so take this chance to enjoy your time at Ball State to the fullest.


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