Bold slate on student body outreach, platform points

<p>Bold executive slate members in February.&nbsp;Amanda Mustaklem, treasurer, Connor Sanburn, president, Jordyn Blythe, vice president and Gina Esposito, chief administrator. Sanburn said slate members have had to make flexible plans with Ball State faculty about their platform points. <strong>Jacob Musselman, DN</strong>&nbsp;</p>

Bold executive slate members in February. Amanda Mustaklem, treasurer, Connor Sanburn, president, Jordyn Blythe, vice president and Gina Esposito, chief administrator. Sanburn said slate members have had to make flexible plans with Ball State faculty about their platform points. Jacob Musselman, DN 

Platform points Bold members say are completed or developing

Slate members said they have drafted proposals or started conversations for eight of their 11 platform points, one of which Blythe said is already complete.


Pursue intercultural dialogues course for students

Blythe said an HONR 199 class discussing microaggressions is offered in the Honors College this semester and spring 2021. Jackson Bartlett is currently teaching the fall 2020 class. Bartlett said the class was developed in partnership with the new Student Anti-Racism and Intersectionality Advisory Council (SAIAC), of which Blythe is a member. The SAIAC was established separately from SGA.


Push diversity training for all faculty

Slate members have met with Marsha McGriff, associate vice president for inclusive excellence, to determine what they want to add to the existing faculty diversity training.

Build Counseling Center partnership and host event

Esposito said she, Chief of Staff Tyra Holland and Secretary of Justice Gaven Schulz met with Bill Betts, director of Counseling and Health Services, to discuss a socially-distant SGA-Counseling Center partnership event for the spring 2021 semester.

Increase accessibility to SafeZone training

Sanburn said the slate has talked to Kiara John, coordinator of SafeZone training at Ball State’s Counseling Center, about SGA sponsoring some scheduled training in the future. Sanburn said he hopes to have the SafeZone training point completed this semester.

Improve organization connections with SGA

Esposito said senators are still expected to meet with two student organizations each and that she has a list of organizations meeting virtually.

Proposal Drafted

Explore heated bus stations

Esposito said she and Sanburn drafted a proposal describing their vision for heated bus stations on campus that was sent to Facilities Planning and Management administrators Sept. 14.

Encourage reduced plastic bag use in dining facilities

Holland said in the Sept. 2 SGA meeting she and Lauren Kamykowski, secretary of environmental affairs, were working on a proposal to reduce plastic bag use in dining facilities. Sanburn said the Bold slate hopes to meet with dining administrators about their proposal soon.

Free menstrual hygiene products in select buildings

Esposito said she hopes to have a plan completed for menstrual products by the end of the fall semester. With help from administrators in facilities planning and management, she wants free menstrual products to last beyond Bold’s year in office.

During the February 2020 Ball State Student Government Association (SGA) election season, Bold slate members promised voters they would be the SGA executive board to represent their interests and get things done.

Now, their plans have adapted amid the coronavirus pandemic, but SGA vice president Jordyn Blythe said Bold is still prioritizing communication with the student body.

“Ensuring that we are representing them to the best of our ability, that we are listening to their desires [and] needs and making sure that our relationship there is strong is really important,” Blythe said. “There would be no purpose for our organization without the student body.” 

Much of SGA’s student body outreach is completed through in-person events such as Dining in the Dark, town halls and senator organizational visits. 

There is still some opportunity for SGA to talk to the student body in person, including its current project with Ball State Democrats and College Republicans to register first-time voters. Volunteers from the organizations will set up a table at the scramble light various times throughout September in honor of national voter registration day Sept. 22.

President Pro Tempore Dylan Lewandowski said he hopes SGA can continue tabling — listening to students’ campus concerns — in person to hear what students want from senators this semester.

“Safe tabling will be very much a key tool to our success this semester,” he said. “That is one of the only physical avenues that we can pursue to reach the student body.”

Dylan Lewandowski, Gina Esposito and Jordyn Blythe discuss their goals for the fall 2020 semester over Zoom Aug. 27. Lewandowski said he hopes SGA can effectively communicate with students about their campus concerns. Grace McCormick, Screenshot Capture.

Bold is also working to update SGA’s social media pages to reach more students this fall semester, chief administrator Gina Esposito said.

“We want to make sure that social presence is there,” she said. “We have a lot of big plans in terms of making access to information and outreach more accessible for students.”

Lewandowski said Bold might use social media as a tabling technique to reach out to new students and increase awareness of SGA and its purpose.

“Part of that [outreach] will just be strategy because we’re in the same boat as a lot of other groups,” he said. “We’ll see what gets the best response — maybe it’s social media, email or tabling. We’ll just use trial and error to see what resonates or gets the most results.”

With diminished ability to host in-person events, SGA president Connor Sanburn said he hopes to host virtual Zoom town halls to reach more students.

He said Temple Day, Bold’s secretary of diversity, was interested in asking Black Ball State alumni to speak virtually to current students of color using Zoom breakout rooms sometime this fall.

“I would love to be able to push this idea,” Sanburn said. “This fall, it would definitely have to be virtual, pretty similar to how we’re conducting SGA right now.”

The Bold executive board remains confident they can achieve their platform points, but Esposito said some may be more challenging, including heated bus stations.

“Having every bus stop in the university look the way we envision it to by the end of the school year could be more of a challenging project,” she said. “Since we’re starting so early, making an attempt to create a plan at the very least, we see that being quite successful … It’s just a larger project compared to creating a singular event.”

Esposito said she and Sanburn have drafted a proposal for heated bus stations and are prepared to allocate a portion of SGA’s budget toward the point if Ball State Facilities Planning and Management administrators approve the plan.

SGA treasurer Amanda Mustaklem said the lack of in-person events for the fall semester will result in not as many funds being needed to host events. She said Bold is able to work with Elevate’s unused funds from the spring 2020 semester in its budget, which will be approved by senators in a future meeting.

“We get to receive last year’s funds that we didn’t get to use due to COVID, so that’s nice,” Mustaklem said. “Our goal is to hopefully have some in-person events coming in the spring, but as of right now, there are reduced costs due to everything being online in the fall.”

With virtual meetings encouraged for all extracurricular activities during the fall semester, Sanburn said some faculty may be able to develop more flexible plans for events SGA will host, giving the Counseling Center partnership event as an example.

As of the Sept. 9 senate meeting, the Counseling Center partnership event is planned to take place in person during the spring semester, but Sanburn said they are prepared to accommodate an online event if necessary.

“Depending on where the COVID situation is going to be at in the spring, we may have to put it online,” he said. “Because of the possibility of it being online, there’s a lot more opportunity to invite students in and to get more resources from the Counseling Center.”

Blythe said she is grateful the language used in Bold’s platform points leaves room for adaptation.

“When we built this platform, it was with flexibility in mind,” she said. “I do think that is going to end up being a strength because we’re trying to expand and explore, and we were prepared to be flexible.”

Contact Grace McCormick with comments at or on Twitter @graceMc564.


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