Rinker Center new coordinator

To help International students have a better experience at Ball State, there is a new coordinator. Cherelle Dunn joined the Rinker Center and Dunn’s job will be to help with the 1+2+1 students’ experiences.

“1+2+1” is a US-China Cooperation Project. It means that students are studying freshman and senior year at Chinese university, sophomore and junior year at Ball State. Graduated with diplomas from both schools.

“I will be advising the 1+2+1 students, working with them through their academics, their schools and any other situations they will have,” Dunn said.

Dunn said she is trying to remember everyone’s name; she hopes she can give extra help to students’ personal lives. At the same time, she also wants to help international students integrate into the local community better.

“Not only academic but sometimes even personal,” Dunn said. “I am coming up with new events that get the 1+2+1 students integrate a lot with the American students as well.”

Dunn is a Ball State graduate and earned her master degree at Harbin Normal University, so lived in China for five years. Because of her experience in China, Dunn understands the Chinese languages and culture more than most people. This means that international students should be able to communicate with her more easily.

Kaidong Lin, a Chinese student, thought that Dunn can bring a lot of help to international students, especially Chinese students.

“The most important is that we can communicate with her using Chinese. It’s easier to raise problems and solutions if ever we have something to give,” Lin said.

Phil Boltz, the director of academic engagement and global initiatives, said he was very excited about working with Dunn.

“She is really excited,” Boltz said. “She has done work with the students on study abroad trips and international students, so we were very glad she would come back and start to work with our team as an International program coordinator.”

Dunn said although there will still be many challenges for her in the future, she is ready for that. International students who has questions can contact Dunn by email cjdunn2@bsu.edu.


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