Muncie nutrition store helps customers continue with their New Year’s resolutions

One of the most popular New Year’s Resolutions is to start dieting, working out, or a combination of both. The failure rate for resolutions is an astounding 80% by Mid February. Muncie’s 5 Star Nutrition works with it’s customers to create plans and set goals for their customers to shoot for and maintain their resolutions. General Manager Tyler Bennett explains how he works with his customers to create a personal experience more like a head coach.

Not everyone starts their nutrition journey over the new year, he also explains how they use their marketing to get the most influence possible via social media, which brings in curious customers.

One good motivation driver for the people is this, a special body management machine called the “InBody”, used to track several aspects of one’s body. One customer, Luke Dishroon gave insight as to how beneficial it is, saying that it “tracks your muscle gain so it doesn’t look like you’re just gaining fat, you’re actually gaining muscle.”

With most resolutions failing before they even begin, people like Luke are taking their goals very seriously, and are planning to continue their plans, and perhaps even create new objectives in the process. Showing that there are people who can go through with even the most ambitious of new year’s resolutions.


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