Ball State Rec Services making a splash with a brand new Intramural Program

As the old saying goes, you either sink or swim.

And this is exactly the case for an old intramural game that Ball State’s Recreation Services is trying to resurrect.

The name of the game is Battleship which is usually played by trying to sink your opponents.

However, the workers at the Recreation center wanted to take a different approach.

Matt Townsend who is an intramural sports supervisor said, “We decided that we will bring out 4 canoes and we’ll put 3 people in each canoe. And once the three people are in each canoe they will have a bucket, they will have a shield and they will have a water gun,”

The goal of each team is to try to sink the other team’s canoes using buckets and water guns and a kick board for a shield. The game is played in a tournament style in which it’s survival of the fittest and last man standing wins.

Battleship used to be offered in the past as an intramural but Townsend wants to offer it all to Ball State Students, hoping to bring out the nostalgic little kid in all of us.

“I heard a lot of upperclassmen talking about a game that the rec use to have called Battleship and I had no idea what it was and it was actually during camp when we started doing this with our kids. So I thought if the kids loved it and they love this game, then we might as well bring it back and see if the college kids love it and I would say its going really well,” said Townsend.

Recreation Services will offer a free session to show people the game.

It is open to all current students and those with active rec memberships.

AJ Walker who is a Recreational Lead said, “I do hope it becomes an activity and I highly recommend it for everybody because it was pretty fun.”

For more information about the session you can visit the REC’s website at or call the Rec office at 765-285-1753


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