Top 5 Reasons to Volunteer


It can be hard to find the time to volunteer during the course of a hectic week. However, there are many reasons why volunteering should be made part of your schedule. At the Boys and Girls Clubs of Muncie, we rely on the generosity of others to donate their time, skills and talents. This help us strengthen the Muncie community. We love our volunteers, and to celebrate Comcast Cares Day on Saturday, April 27th, we encourage you to take time out of your day to give back to the community. 

Here are five reasons why to volunteer: 

1. It Boosts Your Well-being.

According to the Mayo Clinic, volunteering comes with many health benefits. It decreases the risk of depression, keeps you physically and mentally active, reduces stress levels, helps you live longer, develops  new relationships and gives you a sense of purpose. 

2. It Strengthens Our Community

Volunteering is an investment that you make in the community and those who live in it. At the Boys and Girls Club of Muncie, our programs help to support families, improve education and empower youth. The time you spend volunteering helps to support, improve and empower the community you live in.

3. It Creates Connections

When you volunteer, you have the chance to connect with members of your community who are different. Volunteering connects people of diverse backgrounds and unites them to work toward a common goal. These connections can even develop into lifelong friendships!

4. It Fosters Personal Growth

Volunteering not only boosts your wellbeing, it helps you grow personally. Peoples have said that they have higher self-esteem, are more grateful, and have a better perspective of their community after volunteering. Becoming a regular volunteer will not only help the community around you, but it will help you grow to be a stronger member in it.

5. We Need You!

Here at the Boys and Girls Clubs of Muncie, when you volunteer, you give so much more than your time. Volunteering with us means that our monetary donations can go directly to our vision. Without volunteers, it would be impossible for our mission to succeed. 

If you have been looking for the perfect opportunity to spend your time giving back to those around you, now is your chance! Contact us today on Facebook or our website to learn how you can get involved. 

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