Rainy Days Ahead

Today: It is a beautiful day in Muncie, Indiana with sunny skies and an expected high temperature of 53 degrees with winds from the west at 9 mph. 

 Tonight: Clear skies will persist and the temperature will drop to a low of 35.  

Tomorrow: Another sunny day is projected for tomorrow, as well as temperatures in the high 50's. Winds coming from the southwest at 11 mph will make it feel a few degrees cooler.

 7-Day Forecast: Chances for rain will increase by the middle of the week on Wednesday and Thursday, with rain predicted to linger on throughout the day on Thursday. Temperatures will cool off a bit on Friday, and the sunny skies and comfortable temperatures will make a comeback by this weekend.  

 For more updates be sure to follow us on Twitter @NLIWeather.

--- Weather Forecaster Lexy Scheele

NewsLink Indiana is a proud Ambassador for the NOAA Weather-Ready Nation program. 


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