Sunny friday leads to severe weather weekend

 Tonight: Tonight will be a low of 42. As cloud coverage starts to form overnight there is a potential for showers overnight into tomorrow morning. Winds coming in from the east at 10 mph.

Saturday:Potential for showers in the AM hours continued over from tonight. Cloudy conditions throughout the  day and warmer than today due to warming southeastern air masses moving in. Highs in the low 60s and only dropping down to the upper 50s at night.

7-Day Forecast: A warmer weekend brings about a severe threat of weather. Sunday's main risk includes, but is not limited to: hail, strong wind gusts, and isolated tornadoes. As this severe weather passes, we bring about a cooler, but sunnier, week.

Make sure to follow us on Twitter, @NLIWeather.--- Weather Forecaster Liz Szewczyk

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