Senate candidates on the issues

<p><em>Todd Young&nbsp;</em><i style="background-color: initial;">Wikipedia Commons // Photo Courtesy</i></p>

Todd Young Wikipedia Commons // Photo Courtesy

Ball State students will be able to cast their ballot for candidates who want to represent Indiana in the United States Senate on Nov. 8 if they haven’t already through early voting. The race is between Democrat Evan Bayh, Libertarian Lucy Brenton and Republican Todd Young.

Here is where they stand on issues:


Bayh (D)

Bayh believes small businesses push the economy forward and plans to support policies that help them. If he becomes senator, he wants to remove regulations and help small business access funds so they can expand and invest in new tools.

He also wants to push incentive programs for research and development.

Brenton (L)

Brenton believes private businesses create jobs and the government needs to get out of the way to allow economic growth. If she is senator, she will try and remove obstacles that hinder small businesses to prosper.

The legalization of Marijuana is also important to Brenton and she believes the plant could replace pharmaceutical drugs and allow companies to use hemp, a type of cannabis plant, to make products like rope, paper, and clothes.

Young (R)

The Republican candidate wants to make it easier for small businesses to operate. He thinks the government isn’t meant to create jobs.

He plans to help remove regulations so it’s easier for businesses to function and doesn’t like the idea of the government being able to pick losers and winners.

The candidate would also like to simplify the tax code.

National Security

Bayh (D)

Bayh wants to increase airstrikes against ISIS and wants to continue the United States’ involvement with the international community against the terror group. He would also push for expanding personnel in the foreign and domestic intelligence communities.

The democratic candidate also supports Israel and wants to get tougher with Iran.

Brenton (L)

The libertarian candidate’s viewpoint on foreign policy is “Friend to all, ally to none.” She wants to stay out of other countries’ affairs and focus on trade with other countries instead of involving the United States in conflicts.

Young (R)

Young wants to look into the Department of Defense to see if there is any way the United States can decrease spending without affecting military personnel. He wants to make sure everyone in the military has the tools to do their jobs.

The veteran also thinks the country’s national debt is the number one threat and hopes to help cut spending and balance the budget if he becomes senator.

The Second Amendment

Bayh (D)

The former senator believes people have the right to own a firearm for sport and personal protection but wants to keep guns away from the mentally unstable, felons and terrorists.

Brenton (L)

The candidate thinks citizens should be ready to defend their country and doesn’t believe the federal government has any right to alter the Second Amendment.

Young (R)

When it comes to gun control the candidate thinks it’s a bad idea. In general, he believes these laws will disarm law-abiding citizens and put Americans at risk.

Sources: Bayh’s campaign website, Brenton’s campaign website and Young’s campaign website
