EACRET'S BEAUTY SECRETS: Beauty brands worth the money


Paige Eacret is a freshman criminology major and writes "Eacret's Beauty Secrets" for the Daily News. Her views do not necessarily agree with those of the newspaper. Write to Paige at pmeacret@bsu.edu.

Have you ever wondered if some of the “big” beauty lines and makeup “gurus” were pulling your leg? What are the best makeup brands out there? I can tell you which high-end products are worth your time and money.

1. Urban Decay is one of the most-used makeup brands out there. If you haven’t heard of a Naked palette, you’ve probably been living under a rock. They retail for $54 at ULTA and they come with 12 shadows in each variety. All of the shadows are highly pigmented, blendable and perfect for natural to smoky eyes. Included in each is a combination of classic nudes mixed with staple glitter/shimmer shadows that make the eyes pop. In my opinion, if you needed one palette for the rest of your life, you should go with Urban Decay.

Paige Eacret

2. Tarte Cosmetics is an all-natural, cruelty-free, high-end makeup brand. One of their best products is the “tarteist creamy matte lip-paint” in the color “tbt.” The product is a creamy mousse that stains the lips all day long. Retail price for this product is $20 at ULTA.

3. Another product I love from Tarte is a part of its skincare line. The “Maracuja Oil” from Tarte provides many different uses. The reason oil serums are so big in the skincare industry right now is that if you strip your skin with cleansers and scrubs, you’re removing the natural oils. By leaving the oil on your face, you are replacing the oil and preventing your skin from overproducing it, which would give you acne. Thanks to using the oil, and seeking “skin therapy,” my acne problems are clearing up. Retail price is $48 for the large size at ULTA. However, several places offer smaller versions in package deals.

4. The brand Morphe is known mostly for their brushes. So are they worth the hype? The answer is yes. I have an 18-piece professional brush kit from Morphe, and the quality of the brushes is amazing. I needed a full kit to start doing professional makeup, and I wasn’t disappointed in the slightest. Not one brush has broken, frayed or had fallout. The quality is so much more than I asked for. The retail price is $39.99.

All three of these brands offer amazing products that are well worth your money. It might seem pricy, but having a few good products is worth more than having 20 mediocre ones.

Your face is your canvas.


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