Valve releases tool to determine PCs ability to handle VR


Is your PC ready to handle a $799 HTC Vive virtual reality headset? If you aren’t sure, then Valve has just released a free tool that can help PC owners find out if their specifically crafted gaming PCs have enough juice to survive VR technology.

The 1.9 GB free download is available through Steam and will take your PC through a two minute sequence and, based off of the feedback it receives from the experience, will determine whether or not a PC has enough operating power to be able to handle VR technology. If not, then the VR tool will tell the user what is hindering his or her ability to play VR capable games.

From the official Steam page:

“The SteamVR Performance Test measures your system's rendering power using a 2-minute sequence from Valves Aperture Robot Repair VR demo. After collecting the data it determines whether your system is capable of running VR content at 90fps and whether VR content can tune the visual fidelity up to the recommended level. For machines that are not VR Ready the tool can help determine whether capabilities are bound by Graphics Card, CPU or both.”

The handy tool even has a list of system requirements for being able to operate it, which is a great place to start detailing whether or not a PC has enough RAM, CPU or if it needs a beefier graphics card.

The Oculus Rift has a tool that gives users a straight “yes” or “no” answer as to whether or not a PC is able to handle VR technology, but Valve’s tool is quite a bit more detailed. It will break down whether a PC is “ready,” if its “capable” or if it’s “not ready” at all. It will also highlight in corresponding colors which specs need tweaking and which specs are good to go.

People who are ready to dive into the world of VR can pre-order the HTC Vive on Feb 29, and it will launch in April. Those looking for a cheaper option can purchase the Oculus Rift in March for $599.

You can click here to download the SteamVR Performance Test.


Source: Polygon


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