Byteing Question: What is your favorite DLC from any game and why?

Meghan Duffy - (@Smalls2233)

The Civ V Brave New World expansion pack. How do you make a great game better? By giving it tons of new ways to win, civilizations to play as, and more in depth policies and ideologies.


Photo Credit: US Gamer

Gunner Masters - (@GunnerMasters)

My favorite DLC is the Knife of Dunwall or Brigmore Witches for Dishonored because they give you a different point of view of the events of the game through the eyes of Daud, the assassin who killed the empress.

They show you some behind the scenes events and Daud's personal quest for redemption after setting the events of the game into motion. The ending was also pretty epic and the entire dlc was a bit darker than the base game in my opinion. It was all around fun to play, creative powers and weapons, new areas to explore and enemies to face.

Photo Credit: Dishonored Wiki

Chase Streetman - (@Galledgiatric)

Best dlc of all time is probably The Ballad of Gay Tony from Grand Theft Auto IV. It fully capitalized on all of the strengths of the gameplay and narrative from the rest of the game.

It brings a satisfying conclusion to all three of the storylines, and introduces some great new characters. It's tonally the strongest episode of the GTA IV, and honestly is enough reason to go back to that game, despite the sequel being out.


Photo Credit: GTA 4


My favorite DLC from any game would have to be Hearthfire from Skyrim. I think it's really cool that Hearthfire enables players to build their own homestead and adopt children.


Photo Credit: YouTube

Ian Pemberton

Personally, I'd have to say the new Amiibo Shovel Knight (sort of) DLC, if that counts. I love that now you have access to all these crazy new types of gear that allow you to zoom past levels effortlessly.

I might actually consider speed-running the game now, seeing as it's just that much fun. And that's not to mention the free DLC on the way for the game.


Photo Credit: Yacht Club Games

Andrew Turpen - (@ATplace2be)

Destiny: The Taken King. Since its release, Destiny has constantly been in my playing rotation. After the disappointment of vanilla Destiny in 2014, The Taken King brought some much needed upgrades to the game's core mechanics and storytelling. I can't wait to see what Bungie has in store for this franchise.


Photo Credit: Gamespot

Nick Dowell - (@ncdowell)

Borderlands 2 has a lot of fantastic DLC, but the best is the shining perfection that is Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep. As a story addition, it's both hilarious and heartbreaking, especially as we learn that Tina is still coping with Roland's death.

The gameplay somehow blends magical spells and guns in a way that makes no sense but works perfectly. Plus it brings in all the amazing voice talent from the series (Torgue is and always will be amazing).

Photo Credit: Start Replay

Adam Sellers - (@AdamWSellers)

Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth. It makes the game feel fresh and new, and I can't tell you how many times I have played the Greed mode. Can't wait for the next DLC.

Photo Credit: YouTube

Kelsey Hayes - (@IAmYourBossLady)

Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep. This one has to be my favorite mainly because it's basically a game of Dungeons and Dragons led by one of my favorite characters in Borderlands.

The fact that as you go through the quest, the story gets more complicated and weird makes this one all the better. The best part of this one is when you have to find armor for Ellie.

Photo Credit: Forbes

Zach Sexton - (@zjsexton)

XCOM: Enemy Within. Added many features and kept making each play through unique.

Photo Credit: Giant Bomb

Jack McGinnis - (@NativeAbearican)

Borderlands 2: Krieg the Psycho... a simple DLC character turned into the BEST character in all of the Borderlands franchise. IMHO.

Photo Credit: Metro

Jake Doolin - (@clingtoascheme)

Mario Kart 8 was already an excellent game (and Byte's GOTY for 2014) but when the two DLC packs for the game launched it propelled it to another level.

Adding 16 new tracks, four new characters (which included personal fave Isabella) and bunch of new vehicles these DLC packs added tons of replay value to a game already bursting with things to do


Photo Credit: Throwing Digital Sheep


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