Power restored to campus after Wednesday afternoon outage


Power is back on in all campus buildings after an outage on Wednesday afternoon affected five buildings — Robert Bell, the Jo Ann Gora Recreation and Wellness Center, Johnson A Complex, LaFollette Complex and the Health and Physical Activity Building. 

Jim Lowe, associate vice president for facilities, planning and management, said it took crews about 45 minutes to restore power to the buildings. 

A section of a high voltage cable around Johnson A and LaFollette shorted, causing the outage, Lowe said. 

While the reason the cable shorted is unknown, Lowe said they will be removing it and examining it tomorrow. 

He said the power should stay on tonight. 


Most of campus is having power outages — including Letterman Building, Robert Bell and LaFollette Complex, said Lindsey Neeley, work control at Ball State Facilities Planning and Management. 

"Most of campus [is out], there's only a few select that are still up," Neeley said. "It most likely is a main power source, not individual, and crews are working on it — have been since the second we heard."

This story will be updated. 


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