Disappointment rises as 'Mighty No. 9' is delayed again


Hopefully no one was expecting to play through Mighty No. 9 in February because it has yet again been slapped with another delay. In an update to fans and backers on the game’s Kickstarter page, Keiji Inafune apologized, citing that bugs in the matchmaking network were the cause for the delay.

In the update, Inafune also states, "...this is all a result of miscalculations on the part of us, the development staff...for that we are sincerely sorry."

With this now being the third change to the game’s launch date (the initial launch date was back in April 2015), some fans are starting to get perturbed with the constant stream of delays.

The release for Mighty No. 9 is now slated for Spring 2016.


Source: Kickstarter

Image: Kotaku


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