Monster hunting franchise The Witcher getting Hollywood attention


The Witcher series is getting Hollywood attention and a film is in the works. Studio Platige Films and the Sean Daniel Company have joined forces to bring The Witcher to the big screen.

It was reported by Polygon that the film is slated for a 2017 release and that it will be based on the original books written by Andrzej Sapkowski instead of the video game franchise, which acts as a spin-off. Sapkowski has also stated that he does not consider the video game adaptations of his book series to be canon.

The press release given to Polygon also states that the film has been in pre-production since August and it is planned to be the first in a series of movies. However, CD Projekt Red has not been reported to be involved in the development of the movies. As of now, there is no official release date.


Sources: Polygon

Images: VG 24/7


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