'Just Cause 3' to have lower resolution on Xbox One than on PlayStation 4


The upcoming game Just Cause 3 will be a slightly lower resolution on Xbox One compared to PlayStation 4. The PS4 edition runs at 1080p, the HD standard in today’s entertainment industries, vs. the Xbox One’s 900p. The following comparison is from Battlefield 4 and was captured on PC.

While for some people this might not be an issue, the reason behind the ordeal is because of the slightly lacking specs of the Xbox One compared to the PS4. While the Xbox One excels in the areas of processing power and amount of Random Access Memory (RAM, comparable to table space the computer has to work on), the PS4 has a much more powerful graphics chip for the games to utilize.

Microsoft has stated before that on their system, framerate takes priority to resolution, hence the  reason it gets lowered so frequently.


Source: GameRant

Image: GameSpot, YouTube


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