Google open sources its artificial intelligence engine


Google has decided to be generous. Instead of selling its new deep learning technology, the company has open sourced the engine. Google has named it TensorFlow, and they believe by releasing it open sourced they can help accelerate AI evolution. TensorFlow is deemed to be twice as fast as Google’s previous AI system, DistBelief.

Deep learning is a form of artificial intelligence where an AI is able to learn to identify an object in a picture by analyzing other photos of the same item. Google uses this technology to recognize speech, translate languages, for Internet results and other things. How deep learning works is through artificial neural networks which simulate the neural network in human brains.

Google isn’t giving away everything, though. For now, Google is only showing off part of this AI. It reveals some of the algorithms for the engine, while not giving away its hardware infrastructure. It is also limiting the initial version to only run on one computer. This inhibits the amount of data that you can analyze at a given time.

TensorFlow is not only good for deep learning technology, but also for reinforcement learning, logistic regression and various other things.


Source: Wired

Image: Android Headlines


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