'Deadly Premonition' developer taking a break from development


Hidetaka Suehiro, better known as Swery, the developer behind cult classics like Deadly Premonition and D4: Dark Dreams Don't Die, has announced that he is taking a break from game development due to health related issues.

He took to his official blog to make the announcement:

“Starting today, I will be taking a short break from game development, in order to focus on recovering from reactive hypoglycemia,” Suehiro wrote. However, the developer also offered an optimistic statement, saying that “When I recover from my illness, I'm going to do my best to make games that are better and more awesome than ever before!”

Hopefully, Suehiro will be able to make a full recovery soon. Fans are looking forward to seeing what he has in store for us in the future.

Source: Access Games

Image: Access Games
