Seven signs you're a philosophy major



1.You point out the fallacies in your friend’s arguments. - Sarah Vitale, assistant professor of philosophy

An argument can be persuasive without good reasoning.

2. A normal study session turns into a full-out argument. -Julian Schock, junior

3. Someone says, “What do you do with that degree?” -Marc Semanchik, senior

At least they’re not trying to tell you about their philosophy on life. Of course, that happens, too.

4. Your friends accuse you of “overthinking” things. -Vitale

There’s no such thing as overthinking for a philosophy major.

5. You sit cross-legged on the floor and talk about free will during a party. - Cameron Mcneely, junior

It isn’t a party without a deep, philosophical discussion. And pizza.

6. By week five of classes, you've already burnt through all your library prints on small (but so many) philosophy articles. -Schock

7. You actually know your way around North Quad. –Vitale

It might be a maze, but it’s your maze. 


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