History of Halloween

Halloween is known as being a time for dressing up in fun costumes and going out trick-or-treating each year. But how did Halloween actually start? 

It's thought to have originated with the Celtic holiday of Samhain and the Christian All Saints Day, according to New World Encyclopedia. 

They considered Oct. 31 to be a day when the barrier between the dead and the living was open, potentially causing problems for the living. The Celts held festivals involving bonfires, costumes and masks to try to placate the evil spirits. 

Typical Halloween decorations also have history in the Celtic holiday. They would put skeletons on their window sills to represent those who died, and would use the heads or vegetables to frighten off evil spirits. Although we use pumpkins today, the Celts used to carve out large turnips to place in their windows. 

How much do students know about Halloween history trivia? 


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