NewsLink Indiana Friday Mid-day Weather Update - October 9, 2015


MUNCIE, IN (NewsLink Indiana) -- Happy Friday and last day before fall break! This past week we have experienced wonderful weather, but what a difference 24 hours makes. We had a cold front move through early this morning which brought scattered rain and cooler temperatures. We will only reach a high of 64 degrees today and will experience winds around 10-15 mph, so you may want to carry a a jacket with you. Saturday we will only make it up to around 65 degrees, but we will see clear skies. Sunday and Monday we will get up to the low to mid 70s before another cold front moves through. As a result, we will drop down to around 65 degrees for Tuesday before climbing back up to around 70 degrees for Wednesday and Thursday with mostly clear skies. Make sure to check back here for your weather updates and give the weather team here a follow on Twitter @NLIWeather 

-NewsLink Indiana Weather Forecaster, Caleb Saylor


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