Teen crashes car into Muncie Liquors

<p>Crews clean up damage after a 19-year-old crashed into Muncie Liquors on Wheeling Avenue around 3:30 a.m. Sept. 27. DN PHOTO CHRISTOPHER STEPHENS</p>

Crews clean up damage after a 19-year-old crashed into Muncie Liquors on Wheeling Avenue around 3:30 a.m. Sept. 27. DN PHOTO CHRISTOPHER STEPHENS

A Muncie woman is being charged with Operating While Intoxicated (OWI) after her car crashed into the back of Muncie Liquors around 3:30 a.m. Sept. 27. 

The 19-year-old drove her Jeep Cherokee into the back of Muncie Liquors, 801 N. Wheeling Ave., after telling Muncie Police officers that she had been drinking at Be Here Now, according to a police report. 

Muncie Police Department officer Brandon Qualls said he could smell alcohol on the driver's breath when he approached the scene, and after a preliminary breath test, determined she had a blood alcohol content of .17 percent. For anyone under 21, it's illegal to drive with any amount of alcohol in their system. 

According to responding MPD officer Gary Vannatta, the driver was the the only person in the vehicle at the time of the crash, but her vehicle was seen driving erratically moments before the crash occurred.

Vannatta said the car had heavy damage on the passenger side and front end, leading officers to suspect the vehicle was sliding sideways when it struck the liquor store. Vannatta said tire marks were visible on the ground, confirming that the jeep had struck the curb, causing the driver to lose control of the Jeep and spin into the building.

Five witnesses who were inside of the liquor store during the incident gave statements, confirming MPD reports, according to the police report. 

Due to the driver's high speed and her admission to drinking at Be Here Now, Vannatta said she is being charged with OWI: Endangering a person, OWI: Accident with serious injury and reckless driving for unreasonable high speed. 


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