Junior enters crocheted garment for fashion show


Editor’s note: This is a mini-series containing four stories leading up to the fashion show on Friday in the L.A. Pittenger Student Center Ballroom.

Kate Fraine is a junior transfer student from Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne, IPFW, majoring in fashion merchandising at Ball State.

Fraine’s main reason for attending IPFW was because her sisters attended the college. IPFW doesn’t have a fashion program.

This was her original plan — getting her core classes at IPFW then transferring to Ball State. So now all of her classes are for her fashion major.

Because she is taking the intro levels for fashion design, she has made three pieces for class and entered two of them into the show.

Fraine started crocheting only a year ago. Her mother showed her how she created washcloths. She decided she wanted to make a scarf for fun, and that’s when friends started asking if she could make them something. It was then, in February 2014, that Fraine decided to start an Etsy page. She only posts pre-made items during the summer, because it is a slower season. During the winter, she takes custom-made orders from her personal Facebook page.
She doesn’t consider herself to have a preference on what she likes to sew because she hasn’t made much in her intro-level classes. In those classes, she has made a skirt, a shirt and a pair of pajama pants. However, Fraine does make more accessories with crocheting. Fraine has made scarves, hats and wallets, all of which can be found on her Etsy page during the summer.

One of the garments that will be featured in the show is a crocheted shrug. The tan-colored garment is considered a shrug because it is like a cardigan with no buttons. Fraine decided to make the shrug because she wanted something else to turn in for the show. Her original plan was to make a dress, but she couldn’t find a pattern she liked. She decided to do it because she didn’t think anybody else would turn in something like it. That was her first time making a crocheted shrug, and she’s happy with how it turned out.

Shown above is the shrug Fraine made for the show in one weekend. PHOTOS PROVIDED BY KATE FRAINE

Fraine also has a skirt entered in the fashion show she made in class. It is a high-waisted, pleated skirt with a sewing supply print. Fraine’s inspiration to make pleats in the skirt are from a collection of vintage patterns she has. Some of the patterns also influence how she decorates her apartment. “A lot of the inspiration I have comes off those patterns just because it’s different from what people wear today,” Fraine said.

Originally, Fraine wasn’t going to enter anything into the fashion show, but a friend said she should do it. Fraine will not be modeling any of her pieces in the show, but she will probably be backstage helping with the garments. She is excited about having people wear the garments she made.

The third garment Fraine entered in the fashion show is a flannel button-up shirt she made in her class. She has been sewing well before her college career, though. Fraine has been sewing since elementary school. Her mother taught her how to put on a button. “It’s kind of fun to think about how it started with a little button and now I’m making dresses and stuff,” Fraine said.


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