DIY: Realistic mini pizzas


What you need:

  • Flour
  • Water
  • Table salt
  • Chalk pastels (yellows, light brown)
  • Modge Podge Matte
  • Acrylic paint (red, yellow, green, brown)
  • Puffy Paint (white and red)
  • Craft foam (brown and red)
  • Craft or utility knife
  • Paint brushes
  • Hole punch
  • Scissors

Crafting can be a rewarding hobby that lets you create things that you would never be able to buy for a reasonable price. One example is realistic mini food. You can always get them at craft or specialty stores, but making it can save you money and give you a chance to flex your creative skills.

This is a step-by-step guide on how to make a mini pizza. You can use this same technique to make personal pan pizzas or pizzas in any size. Use the leftover dough to make breadsticks, which can be colored with the pastels the same way that the pizza crust was. Have fun making all kinds of pizzas to meet everyone’s taste.


1. You can buy the clay from the store or make your own (for almost free). Mix table salt and flour together, then add water until it takes on consistency like playdough.

2. Roll a bit of the clay into a ball. The amount of clay you use is how big your pizza is going to be. Using a pinch and turn gesture, flatten it until it takes on the shape of a little pizza.

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3. Pinch the edges to make a crust. You also can cut some pieces out of the large pizza to have individual slices.

4. Bake the dough in the oven for two to three hours at 275 degrees Fahrenheit. If you do cut the slices, make sure that you bake the slices in the pizza, not separately.

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5. Once the shape has cooled, get out your chalk pastels. Take a craft or utility knife and shave off bits of the pastels into a pile, mixing them with your fingers and adding colors until you reach the right shade.

6. Rub the mixture all over the mini pizza crust. Paint over the object with Modge Podge clear matte to seal the color in.

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7. Either mix or buy paint to match the color of the pizza sauce and cheese. Mix the acrylic paint with a bit of Puffy Paint to give it depth and texture.

8. Paint it on like you would put on sauce and cheese, laying down gobs of it to give it height.

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9. Now comes the fun part: decorating. You can use acrylic paints to paint on mushrooms, tomatoes or green peppers. Craft foam can be cut up into bits for sausage or put through a hole punch for pepperoni. Add them to the pizza while the “cheese” is still wet or glue them on after it’s dry.


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